The firm has identified numerous opportunities through its research which are best expressed through mid-market private equity investments, late stage investment and active partnerships in emerging markets.
Private Equity
We have identified various opportunities through our research that are best expressed through mid-market private equity investments. We do not invest reactively by engaging with inbound calls. We originate investment opportunities on a proactive and exclusive basis. Our private equity opportunities tend to be (i) buy and build strategies targeting secular trends where we identified an interesting potential, and (ii) generally in the European mid-market space where superior returns are achievable.
We primarily pursue investments in highly fragmented industries where economies of scale and scope justify the development of a comprehensive roll-up strategy.
Business services
High CapEx businesses
Marketing-led verticals
Over the life of an investment, we aim to deploy an average of $25–$200 million.
Growth Equity
We invest in industry-leading companies that exhibit significant growth potential and are at the forefront of our identified meta trends. These companies are proactively addressing future challenges with impressive efficiency and scalability. They have strong and defensible competitive advantages and are actively targeting expansive and lucrative market opportunities.
Revenue of $50 million or higher (high gross-margin businesses with a clear path to profitability)
Verticals with binary risks, such as biotech
High CapEx businesses
Hardware-led businesses
Investment Size: $25 million to $200 million
Role: Majority or minority investments (comfortable participating or acquiring secondaries)
Holding Company
Under Construction